

Step 4: Practical experience (excluding internships)

Please only enter proven garden therapeutic practical experience that you have made AFTER the last registration.



Since garden therapy is applied in a very broad field, it may be necessary to explain your practical experience in more detail in the later stage of your application. The commissioning organisation must provide proof of the actual therapy units in hours. Internships and work shadowing are not to be listed here.

A minimum of 30 points are required. The IGGT would like to give special recognition to the entry stage into garden therapy; as a result, the following weighting is applied here:

  • For every 50 hours of documented practical experience 10 points are credited.



Should you need to document your garden therapy practical experience through activities at various places, please use a separate form for each proof (PDF below).
Keep in mind, however, that a total of at least 30 points must be document, which corresponds to 50 hours in case of the initial application and 150 hours in case of the re-registration.

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